Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit 5_Discussion 1_Leadership Through Personal and Professional Development

Unit 5_Discussion 1_Leadership Through Personal and Professional Development

Q • What, exactly, is reflective practice and how can it be useful to you? • Is reflective practice any different, or any better, than what you do now in your profession? • Write an initial post of no more than 300 words describing one idea you found in the Web resources that resonated for you in terms of your future work in this program and your progress towards becoming an independent, reflective, doctor of education.

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Reflective practice is considered as a modern term which also involves a framework for the ancient method of self-improvement. The reflective practice is a method which helps in assessing our thoughts and also analyzes our actions which help in personal learning and development. It is an adaptable process that sets up the ideas for training learning, self-improvement, and personal development. This practice helps most of us to improve the overall skills and also to be able to dedicate the attention towards developing the teaching skills. It helped me to understand the future personal growth and also made me recognize how I can handle the situations in the present and to overcome the past experiences.